Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz
Full name Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz
Born 1334 Hijiri, 1913 Gregorian
Jurisprudence Imam Malik
Theological School Sunni/Sufi
Birthplace Kumasi, Ghana
Died 1402 Hijiri, 1982 Gregorian
Father Sheikh Ahmed Issah
Mother Sayyida Maryam Muhammad
Spouse Ummi Ayisha
Ummi Fatima
Ummi Adiza
Ummi Safura
Number of Children 25
Other Titles Spokesperson of Faidah & its Interpreter
This article is a biography of one of the widely known Muslim cleric from Ghana and other parts of West Africa by the name Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz. He was an educator of great repute from Ghana, and founder of the school called Wataniya Islamic School. He lived from 1913–1982. Sheikh was referred by many names including Abul Fawz, Alhaji Baba, Mallam, Wataniyu, Baba Alwaiz, and Lisanul Faidah Wa Tarjumanuha(Spokesperson of Faidah & its Interpreter).Ummi Fatima
Ummi Adiza
Ummi Safura
The following paragraphs would detailed his biography from his humble beginning, and the legacy he left behind. Sheikh is a leader in the course of Allah, and a father to anyone who would want to get closer to Allah.
The historic narrative of Sheikh Babal-Waiz is so huge that one could only state what he/she could. It is our wish to analyze the meaning of his names and alias at the end of this article. Sheikh names signifies his noble position, exceptional dedication and commitment in the course of service to Islam and Muslims, as well as his propagation of this religion, since his infancy in Kumasi.
His Paternal Family
Sheikh Al-Mu'alim Ahmed son of late Issah of Sakoto (in northern Nigeria) was his father. His father was a learned scholar, who had specialized on the knowledge of mystical and astrological phenomena, he was popular amongst the (mustajab), because Allah answers his prayers. So many people and visitors would throng to him to pray for them for their needs. So many scholars in Kumasi and beyond had benefited a great deal from him. And his parents used to refer to him as (Turunkawa) - who was believed to be bless with an exceptional charisma and crowd-pulling effect. Those who were among the frontiers of the descendant followers of Sheikh Usman Dan Fodio, the revivalist of the deen (of Islam) in the Hausa dominated areas, until they became his inscribers and note takers of whatever he would dictate about messages and da'awah or propagation of the deen. And he had an everlasting and endless root(family wise) and a living memory in northern Nigeria, especially, in Sokoto State.His Maternal Family:
Alhajah Maryam popularly called "Maikwakwa" was his mother. She was sayyidah, a noble, and humble person, with abundance blessings and good deeds, who was always thankful and pious. Alhajah Maryam was a daughter of Sayyid Muhammad Al-kathnawi, from the Katsina State(northern Nigeria). She was born in Cape Coast (Central Region), one of the historical coastal cities in Ghana.His Birth:
He (Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz) was born in Kumasi on Wednesday, after Asr prayer in the Islamic calendar year, 1334 which coincides with the Christian calendar, 1913.Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz was born at Kantudu (Zongo Hill), a suburb of Kumasi, Ghana. His father died when he was young and he was adopted and raised by the late Chief Adamu Moshie I, who married his mother after the death of his father.He was bred in Kumasi and had his education from a number of notable teachers of his time who instructed him to the Qur’an and Figh. Among them include Mallam Awudu Dan Tano who taught him Arabic and rhetoric and Mallam Abubakar al-Fullati al- Kamawi. He studied from other teachers for years among whom includes the well-known Yahudha Bin Sa’ad of Zaria. He later identified himself with their pattern of piety, enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong till he became one of the known scholars noted for preaching and teaching in Kumasi.
His Growth and Education:
When he grew up to a young adult age, his father [as mentioned earlier], died. The then chief of Zongo, Malam Salau, assumed responsibilities of his tutelage. Later after his mother got married to the chief of Moshie tribe in Kumasi, the Chief, (who would then become his step father) took care of him. He was then enrolled into the madrasas or school of Malam Salau Al-Khathinawi, who hailed from Kano state (northern Nigeria). At that time, he had learnt how to recite the Qur'an and all other elementary subjects. He was a very brilliant but promising student. Education would never prevent him from working.In spite of being an orphan at that tender age, he would trade in the business of buying and selling candy (or toffee) among his peers. He was able to mobilize huge amount of money, which would never usually happened at that time. He then made an effort to seek for more formal (Islamic) education. He had studied from Mu'alim Garba, a native of Katsina State, Nigeria. Then,from Muhammad Inuwa, the son of Issah, and finally, he devoted his time seeking knowledge from Ustaz Al-Sheikh Abadullahi Dan Tano. It was under Sheikh Tano's academic tutelage that he exposed his God-given talent, eloquence, rhetoric and fluency in Arabic language. Moreover, he had also studied from Alhaji Abubakar Fulatiyu, a scholar of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudent) who hailed from Kano, Nigeria, until he gathered a broad repertoire of knowledge. Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz seemed not sufficient enough departed to Zaria, Nigeria and acquired extra knowledge from Malam Yahuza the son of Sa'ad. He lived there for a longer period of time until his completion of the book "Faraidul Fawaheed".Lists of Books Studied by Sheikh with Names of His Teachers
These were the list of the books he [Late Sheikh Ahmad Babal-Waiz] studied and the names of his teachers. Sheikh Babal-Waiz was able to document and enlist names of various scholars that he had studied from, as well as the number of books he had read from each one of them. We would only mention the names and subject matter of these books as well as number of books he read under each of the scholars. [In all, he had studied a total numbers of 76 books from the scholars below]:1-Malam Gariba Kathnawi-Father of Malam Kataki.
He had read 10 books, ranging from Fiqh[Jurisprudence], Tafsir[Exegesis], Adab [Literature] etc.
2- Malam Muhammad Inuwa.
He had studied 6 books, such as Nahwu [Arabic Syntax and Grammar], Shi’er [Poetry] etc.
3- Malam Alhaji Abubakar Fulati
He had read 12 books, ranging from Shri’ah[Islamic Law], Fiqh [Jurisprudence], Shie’r [Poetry] Tawhid [Monotheism], etc.
4- Sheikh Ahmed Al-katagi Almadani in Northern Nigeria.
Some series on the knowledge of reality of mystery [of Allah]
5- Malam Yahuza Zariya, in Northern Nigeria.
He had studied books which comprises Tafsir[Exegesis], Ahadith[Traditions/Wisdom of the Prophet, Shi’er[Poetry] etc.
6-Sheikh Ahmed Cham in Kaulakh, Senegal.
He had studied a book on the history of Conakry in Guinea.
7-Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Nyas in Kaulakh, Senegal.
Under his spiritual tutelage, he had learns mystical secrecy in other books as well as from Sheikh’s own authored books.
8-Sheikh Malam Abdallah Dan Tano.
It was under the academic training and tutelage of Sheikh Malam Abdallah Dan Tano that, Sheikh Ahmad BabalWaiz had studied a whopping volume of books-36 in numbers. The subject areas comprise of; Nahwu [Poetry], Adab [Literature], Tafsir [Exegesis & Analysis], Mantik [Logic], Balagah [Eloquence], Tajweed [Expertise in Qur’anic recitation], etc.
And these 36 books that he had read from his greatest scholar Malam Dan Tano, appeared to be a great coincidence, because he himself had written 36 books [as readers would see enlisted in the Arabic version]. Unlike the modern day system of learning at the various academic institutions in Islamic countries, where students are made to read and reference from few chapters of books in order to obtain their credits or GPAs [Great Point Average] and graduate, our forefathers’ ‘rudimentary’ way of learning was rather intensive-oriented. They would read to their teachers these books page after page, until the last page, while the teachers would explain to them in the local languages or with the non-Hausa spoken teachers, they would paraphrase in Arabic. This was one of the reasons why they would command respect and recognition of the scholars from the Arab/Islamic world wherever they visited them. Because they observed them as full-fledged and photo-finished scholars, who were thoroughly grounded in the various fields of Islamic education.
His Adoption of Tijjaniyah Tariqha/Sufi Order or Ideology:
Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz was initiated into the Tijaniyya Sufi Order-which is replete with mystical divinity from the hands of Muqadeem (who ushers you in) a pious man Ustaz Garba Al-Kathnawi, father of late (Malam) Issah Kataki in Kumasi in 1303, Hijiriyah Calendar, 1934 Gregorian Calendar. Later made tajdeed (revived) his wird(commitment)through Sheikh Alhaji Nuh al-Fullati of Jenne. Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz drove on the plain of luck by embracing the Tijjaniyah Tariqah. In 1943 he made the pilgrimage to Mecca and he was made a Muqadeem (permission to enroll others) of the Tijaniyya order by Sheikh Ahmad Bin Abdul Rahman al-Kataghumi,(Commander of the Scholars of (the two masajid) of Haramain, who came from Sudan, in the suburb of Hushun Nurah, and he responded in the year 1362 of the Islamic Hijrah Calendar the khalipha of Alfa Hashim.
He became a disciple of Sheikh Mohammad al-Hadi Bin Mawlud Fal al Alawi and reached the stage of being able to train disciples. He is said to have converted many people to Islam. In 1947-8 he visited Sheikh Ibrahim Niasee in Kaolack, accompanied by Hajj Ahmad Ibrahim and Sayyid Mohammad al-Rabi Khalid. The Sheikh gave him permission to undertake all the duties of training, preaching and teaching Islam in general, Tijjaniyah Sufi order in particular.
His Dedication to Propagation & Preaching:
When some ugly innovations had become rife and rampant, and Sunnah, way of the Prophet was being relegated to the distance background, where anyone who would hold firm to the practice of Sunnah becomes like a firebrand to fight this act, he awakened and revived his highest level of dedication and diligence in propagation(wa'az), preaching and guidance of the servants(of Allah), encouraging them to be following the Sunnah, and many people had repented and had turned back to the right path and made an amazing commitment to hold firm the Sunnah.![](
He then stood firm inviting people with his deeds (practical examples) and words, and then the Sunnah got deeply rooted in himself and his family. That became a lamp for the guided ones, and a ka'abah[Black Cube in Makkah] for the those seeking the right path, until he was given a special name; (Al-Waiz) or, “The Preacher”. And before then, he was referred to us, Alhaji Baba Al-Watani, the Principal and Owner of Wataniya Islamic School.
His Tutoring Service:
In the Islamic calendar year 1355, which coincides with 1936 Gregorian, Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz was about 23 years old when he started to tutor people. A huge number of students succeeded in acquiring religious knowledge from him. Later when Wataniya Islamic School was founded ( which the writer would give detail account later) in 1940 Gregorian Calendar, many more students benefited from him.His Publications:
As a prolific writer, Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz had authored 36 books, out of these number, 25 were published and the rest were not published before he died. They were categorized in four thematic areas:1- Issues pertaining to sufi (Mystical Ideology) 2- Issues concerning fiqh ( Islamic Jurisprudence)
3- Issues regarding saqafah (Islamic Cultural & Civilization) 4- Issues concerning duwah (Prayer) tarikh,(History) and fawahid (useful) lessons
He passed away on Friday, after fajir salat, in the presence of his children, in 1402(Islamic Calendar) and 1982(Christian Calendar). He left behind 25 children and four wives.![](
Below is the detailed analysis of the meaning of his names and alqaab [alias/code-names]. I observe that the full name of our Sheikh signifies his noble position, exceptional dedication and commitment in the course of service to Islam and Muslims, as well as his propagation of this religion, since his infancy in Kumasi.
His Name: Ahmad
Ahmad was the name that he was given after he was born. And it had coincided with his father’s name, Malam Ahmad Sokoto, as well as the name of his beloved Prophet Muhammad, and the name of his Shiekh, Ahmad Al-Tijani.His Name: Baba
His name Baba was given by our grandmother Hajia Maryam “Maikawkaw”. As in our African tradition, most of our mothers could not mention the name of a child if it coincides with her husband’s name or name of one of her fathers. And of course, [his name] coincided with her husband’s name, Malam Ahmad Sokoto, as mentioned earlier. And she then began to refer to him as “Baba”, “Baba”. This was what our grandfather, the first chief of Moshie, Alhaji Adam, used to called him. Hence, he became popularly known as “Baba”. Some people had known him as Malam Ahmad Baba, until he performed the hajj in 1942, and the name became, “Alhaji Ahmad Baba”. And as customary again for the people of Africa, especially among Ghanaians and Nigerians [Muslims/northerners], whenever a man returns from the two holiest mosques [Makkah & Madinah], they would call him “Alhaj” so and so or “Alhajah” so and so. They would add “Alhaji” as his first name. This made [his] alias, “Alhaji” a permanent name.His Name: Abul Fauz
Abul Fauz, is an alias that he chose for himself, by virtue of what Allah blessed him of children and students, who were highly cultured, respectful and obedient. They would heed and abide by whatever he would command them or would request from them. Hence each one of them had had his share of reward and blessing from Allah. And also as a symbol of gratitude to Allah, the most high, who says: {When you express gratitude/thanks, I would increase you in blessings}.![](
He would teach them handcraft, such as tailoring and ,Al-darrazah[embroilment], called zigzag in Hausa language. And they benefited immensely and succeeded by establishing big income generation ventures and permanent means of livelihood for themselves. Some of them were luckily married to his daughters and the daughters of his brothers and sister, by virtue of good ethical values and moral qualities he observed in them, without imposing on them any difficult condition. He used to say: “There is a reward to every determined and dedicated person”. More often than not, whenever we would have guest-students, he would never differentiate or discriminate between his children and his students, both in teaching and feeding. Even when it comes to house chores. His goodness and generosity could not be quantified In terms of giving out books and teaching Yes, he served as guidance to the Muslim society By virtue of his deeds and scholarly name.
His Name: Alwaiz
Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz was one of the brilliant students of Mallam Sallau (a renounced Islamic Scholar of the time). It was under him that he studied the Quran. Apart from this, he pursued his Arabic and Islamic studies at the feet of many scholars both local and within the West African sub-region particularly Sheikh Abdullahi Tano. He also took to traveling through out the country to propagate Islam. Hence, he was nick named (Baba Al-Waiz/Babal-Waiz) meaning "the gate of Propagation". He made much impact on the development of Islamic education in Kumasi both before and after his death. Most of his students occupy very high positions in the field of Islam today in Ghana. It is believed that the knowledge acquired by Sheikh Alhaji Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz under various masters and teachers in various aspects of Islam, both legal and religious, compelled him to also contribute to knowledge and its acquisition by others of his community.Therefore in 1934, he began teaching others in the house of the late chief of Moshie-Alhaji Abdul Rahman, both in the morning and evening. By passing on what he had learned he followed the traditional practice of Muslim scholars both studying and teaching simultaneously. At this point he was just about twenty years old.
When he started teaching in his house and mosque, he was preaching to people as well, and guiding them on the need to observe the [Islamic] faith. And he groomed his senior students well who began preaching to people in all nook and cranny. Some of them were:
[1] Alhaji Musah Al-Haddad
[2] Alhaji Ibrahim Mayaki Al-Haddah
[3] Alhaji Alhaji Ahmed Gonja Al-Na-eb
[4] Alhaji Ibrahim Balay
[5] Alhaji Abdul Rahman Adam Amir Moshie[2]
Among many more among men including Malam Abdul Aziz Bamba, his translator, whenever he would travel [on da’awah missions]. He used to roam and rove around in the entire villages, cities and towns of Ghana[east and west, north and south], propagating the Islamic mission, while guiding and advising Muslims to refrain from immorality, shirk [associating partners with Allah] and bid’ah[ bad innovation], in the course of his trips.
This da’awah mission attracted many students, who came to settle in his house and learn. Some of them were Muhammad Tarakna, Husseini Bila, Iddrisu Gurunshi, Malam Yakubu Fanti, Malam Dawudu Fanti, Sulemana Fanti, Ibrahim Bukwu, and Malam Ismael Bukwu, who used to be a Buddhist. So when he met our Sheikh Babal-Waiz, and heeded to his preaching, he converted to Islam. And he vowed not to continue to stay in his hometown, since Allah Almighty had guided him upon arrival of our Sheikh Babal-Waiz, but would rather come with him to Kumasi. He came with him and settled in his house and studied a lot, until when Allah willed for him to leave. Some of them were Sheikh Mustapha Ibrahim Accra, now Chairman of the Islamic Council for Development and Humanitarian Services[ICODEHS] of and his brother, Malam Dansoho. As well as Malam Yakubu Abubakar, Dawud Iddriss, Malam Yahaya, Cape Coast and Malam Shindo Nsawan, Alhaji Muhammad Munir Imam, Alhaji Suraju Imam, Adam Issah Alhaji Kankani Ejura, and Abdul Qadir Tanko Tailor, Alhaji Iddrisu Moshie and many more.
To exhibit his piety and strict adherence to Islamic Sharia he made a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in 1940 by road and also advised his companions/students to institute the Sunnah of “growing beard".
His Name: Wataniyu
In 1940 a well-structured Arabic School (Makaranta) was established by him. Teaching and learning was in the indigenous Islamic way. He founded Madrasatul Wataniyya which is now called Wataniyya Islamic School in Kumasi. In the early stages, the school was meant for training the Muslim youth in every field of Islam. He was able to do this through the advice of his elder brother Alhaji Alhassan Ahmad Al-Fulaati. The first teacher to teach in this school was Alhaji Mohammad Alhassan the son of his elder brother. The first student of the school was Alhaji Adamu Abdullai “Mai Sunan Sarki” together with the children in the house who included both male and female.
Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz in his efforts to accomplish his mission of nationhood building adopted the motto “Forward Ever Backwards Never”. This motto, as if by divine calling, became the nation's motto at independence. He also introduced the use of chalkboard. This was an improvement from the indigenous use of tablet or slate by students.
To encourage the speaking of Arabic he ensured that his students speak Arabic wherever they are. Because of his zeal and eloquence in speaking Arabic, he was always appointed to interpret the language to Hausa whenever there was a stranger who cannot speak the Hausa language. In this regards he was again nicked name. "The Interpreter. He therefore encouraged his students to speak the language which later became the medium of communication of all Wataniya students.
Among the pioneers one is now heading the school. He is Khalipha Mustapha Kamil Amin Ibn Saad. Others are Alhaji Amidan Baba Alwaiz, Alhaji Abdul Razak Alhassan, and Alhaji Yahuza Alhassan among others.
He acquired this name at the Islamic school [madrasah] when he was learning with his student colleagues, under the intensive training and tutelage of Sheikh Abdallah Dan Tano in Kumasi. Sheikh was considered to be a contemporary scholar by then, and he learnt a lot from him. And all of them used to have aliases or nicknames in their quest for seeking knowledge. And he chose the name[Alwataniyu] for himself. And then the name coincided with his works, his cultural and intellectual activities. After establishment of the school in his step father’s house, Malam Adam, chief of Moshie[1], and it was expanding in numbers, he named it “Madrasatul Wataniya”, “Wataniya School”. This school now has many branches throughout Ghana. That is: {Madrasatul Wataniyah}-Lil Tarbiyatu Wal-Ta’aleem- Wataniyah Islamic School-For Training and Learning-Kumasi, Ghana, P.O. Box: 993.
So at this instance, Wataniya[ literally for the nation] became the name for both the school and for our Shiekh also, due to his unflinching love for his country[Ghana].
At the early stages, the school was meant for training the Muslim youth in every field of Islam. Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz in his efforts to accomplish his mission of nation building adopted the motto" (Forward Ever Backwards Never). This motto became the nation's motto at independence. He also introduced the use of the chalkboard as an improvement from the indigenous use of tablet or slate by students.
Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz and Islamic education in Kumasi. Apart from Imams and Ulamahs, some of Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz students are also leaders of various ethnic groups in various cities and towns in Ghana. Below is some of the names as at the time of writing this article:
Ulamahs and Imams
- Khalipha Mustapha Kamil___ Speaker of the council of Ulama'u and Imams
- Sheikh Imrana Musah___ Ashanti regional Chief Imam
- Sheikh Mohammed Tajudeen___ Ashanti regional Imam of Mossi ethnic group
- Sheikh Suraju Daarah___ Aboabo Imam
- Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Wahab___ Ashanti regional Imam of the Kotokoli Ethnic group
- Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibrahim___ Gonja ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Saeed Abubakar___ Busanga ethnic Imam
- Sheikh Abdallah Abdeedi___ Grunsi ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Mustapha Ibrahim___ Chairman ICODHES, Accra
- Sheikh Uthman Balley___ Imam of "Yatiyati" central mosque, Kumasi
- Sheikh Ibrahim Abubakar Balley___ Wangara ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Mohammed Rashid___ Dandi ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Mohammed Meriga___ Gurma ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Alfa Ilyass Ciessey___ Zabarma ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Masruur Ibrahim Adam___ New York City (Al-Huda Mosque), U.S.A
- Sheikh Alhaji Umar___ Adarawa ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Alhaji Adam___ Dagarti ethnic group Imam
- Sheikh Mallam Dauda___ Fanti ethnic group Imam
Leaders of Ethnic Groups (Chiefs)
Apart from Imams and Ulamahs, some of Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz students are also leaders of various ethnic groups in various cities and towns in Ghana. They include;- Alhaji Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Adam___Chief of Moshie ethnic group
- Alhaji Ibrahim Shuaib___Chief of Mamprusi ethnic group
- Alhaji Ahmed Ahmed___Chief of Fulani ethnic group
- Alhaji Ahmed Gado___Chief of Wangara ethnic group
- Alhaji Korkor___Chief of Banda Ethnic group
- Alhaji Yahya Akilo___Youth leader of Kantudu community
- Alhaji Abdul Hamin Uthman Madugu___Chief of Grunsi ethnic group
It is also important to note that most of Sheikh Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz students are still involved in da’wah today. They travel from place to place throughout Ghana disseminating the message of Allah. The most prominent ones include;- Ustaz Bawa Rais
- Ustaz Ahmed Yakub
- Ustaz Ali Adam Amir
- Ustaz Abdul Basit Shisu
- Ustaz Hafiz Balla Sa'ad
- Ustaz Abdul Hamid Kishki
- Ustaz Abdul Kadir Alhaji
- Ustaz Yakub Yusif Walani
- Ustaz Sani Waliyi Bun Yusif
- Ustaz Saeed Miskeen
- Ustaz Yushau Babal-Waiz
- Ustaz Bashir Babal-Waiz
- Saeed Shakir Babal-Waiz
Qur’an Memorization Institute
Wataniya has established a Qur’an memorization institute to guide children especially to memorize the Qur’an. This emanated from the aim of the founding father that Wataniyya, as a Makaranta will be a well structured school which will meet the needs and demands of society.There are children of various categories from 4 years-20 years both boys and girls. Competitions are organized usually for the pupils for various awards in cash or in kind to motivate and encourage children. Some of them are given assistance in the form of scholarship to pursue their studies in their various fields of studies.
Other educational programmes
Sheikh Baba Al-Waiz gave opportunities to all categories of people who expressed their will to study according to schedule. He organized time for the youth and elderly who present themselves for studies on a time that suited them because most of these people were either businessmen who were usually out the whole day trading, or students in secular institutions who are only available in the evening. The line up of the schedule was thus;- The morning session was for the youth to study the Qur'an.
- The afternoon session was for Quranic studies and Arabic grammar for students who can only recite the Qur'an but are not conversant with the meaning and exegesis.
- The Evening session was meant for workers and other businessmen. This gave them time to concentrate on their daily activities. They were also taught basic teachings of the Quran and other subjects such as Arabic grammar and other Islamic sciences such as Fiqh (Jurisprudence). All the categories of students have produced prominent scholars in this country.
Name | Location |
Wataniya Amiriya | ALABAR KUMASI |
Wataniya Ummul Qurah | OFORIKROM KUMASI |
Wataniya Hamdania | AKOROM KUMASI |
Wataniya Shukuriya | A.E.B KUMASI |
Wataniya Daarul Qur'an | ABOABO NO2.KUMASI |
Wataniya Inst. of Islamiya | NEW YORK U.S.A |
Wataniya Islamiya | EJURA ASHANTI |
Wataniya Islamiya | ABUAKWA ASHANTI |
Wataniya Islamiya | BEKWAI ASHANTI |
Wataniya Islamiya | KAASE KUMASI |
Wataniya Islamiya | ACCRA GR. ACCRA |
Wataniya Islamiya | TAMALE N/R |
Wataniya Islamiya | OBUASI ASHANTI |
Wataniya Islamiya | BAWKU WER |
His Name: Lisanul Faidah Wa Turjumanuha [The Spokesperson of Faidah & Its Interpreter]
This was the last and most popular title our Shiekh had obtained in the course of his Islamic and sufi activities, that he would engage his ill-health conditions in. It was: Lisanul Faidah Wa Turjumanuha {Spokeperson of Faidah & Its Interpreter}. He obtained this title from his Sheikh and his Qutubul Zaman, Al-Sheikh Alhaji Ibrahim Anyas Alkaulakhi. He was the one who sent [that name] to him through his senior brother and Khalifah of Sheikh in Ghana, Al-Sheikh Baban Makaranta. And he is the door keeper [or doorman] of Faidah of Sheikh Ibrahim Nyas in Ghana. This was after Sheikh Alhaji Ibrahim Nyas reviewed his publications on Tassawuf.
Especially, his dedication and commitment were invested deeply into the Tareeqah[pathway] Tijjaniyyah. Even before then, Sheikh BabalWaiz was the [Arabic to Hausa] interpreter/translator of Sheikh Ibrahim whenever he would arrive in Ghana. Besides, he used to interpret for other Sheikhs and Khulafahs[Caliphs] whenever they would visit Ghana. He had never desisted from this service until Shiekh Ibrahim Nyas sent him this enviable symbol of recognition and recommendation.
Coincidentally, when Sheikh Baban Makaranta travelled to Madinatu Khaulakh, in Senegal, Sheikh Ibrahim asked him about the condition of Sheikh BabalWaiz and he told him, he was in good condition. And then Sheikh Ibrahim said: May Allah bless him in his activities and writing projects. We always see what he writes and I have endorsed him[pleased with him] and I therefore gave him this title: “Lisanul Faidah Wa Turjunanuha”, [The Spokesperson of Faidah and its Interpreter].
God is Great! God is Great! God is Great!
And after this verbal endorsement, he wrote [with his own hand] a letter to Sheikh BabalWaiz and submitted to Sheikh Baban Makaranta to be delivered to him.
This is just a summary of how he obtained the title: {Lisanul Faidah Waturjunanuha}.
Poem About the Fruit of Failah{Divine Flood}
This is a poem that Maulana Abil Fauz, Sheikh Ahmad BabalWaiz composed, expressing gratitude for the new alias [name] that was sent to him [all the way from Kaolack in Senegal], by the Custodian of Failah himself, Al-Sheikh Alhaji Ibrahim Nyas, through the hands of the gateway to his eminence[Sheikh Ibrahim], Alhaji Adam Baban Makaranta, that he is now “Lisanul Faidah Waturjunanuha” , “Spokesperson of Faidah & Its Inter prater”. And that day coincided with the arrival of Alhaji Aliyu Ceesay Ibnul Hassan, who was the Secretary of Faidah[Maulana Baye Niass] & its Guardian, when he visited the lovers [of Sheikh] in Kumasi.
This is Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz, his older brother, Sheikh Hassan Fulatiyu, and a visiting Sheikh from Arab world.
His Activities:
Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz and his colleague scholars had established an Association of Teachers for Propagation and Guidance, and they were as follows:- 1-Sheikh Usman Alfa Ladan
- 2-Sheikh Baba Banda
- 3-Sheikh Saeedu Imamu Moshie
- 4-Shekh Hassan Nasiru Deen
- 5-Malam Muhammad Mutawakil, the then Zango chief
- 6-Sheikh Haruna Muhammad Altijani
- 7-Sheikh Malam Muhmmad Dan Gigala
- 8-Shekh Abubakar Garba Hakim
- 9-Sheikh Ahmad Nuru Deen
- 10-Sheikh Ahmad BabalWaiz
- 11-Sheikh Ismael Rashid
- 12-Malam Abdul Na Kaka Alhaji Garba Shuaibu
- 13-Sheikh Issah Kataki
Commemorating Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad [Miladul-Nabi]
This is Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz. with others also at one of Maulid commemoration.
In 1956 the time was changed from 8:00-12:00 pm to 8:00 pm to 7:00 am the following morning as the grand Sheikh Ibrahim Anyars used to do at the city of Kaolack. (Senegal). Lanterns and candles were used. Bamboo trees, branches and leaves were brought from the bush for the erection of the platform and decorating the place of the activity. He began to recite a book of poetry [comprises of poetic praise of the Prophet] “Tahniatul Rabi’e”(as Sheikh Ibrahim was doing in Kaolack), right from the inception of the month of Rabi’ul Awal until the 11th day, after Isha prayer in his house. And he delegated his secretary,[his first Khalifah after his death], Mustapah Kamil Amin Ibn Sa’ad to be reciting it.
The late Imam Chairoman and Imam of the Moshies usually open the function. When it came to the actual birth story of the Prophet, four personalities usually make a sort of shield by the narrator as a sign of respect. Alhaji Ahmad Baba Al-Waiz usually acted as the master of ceremony on these occasions. Poets also praise the Prophet. Notable among them were, Mallam Abdullai the poet, Alhaji Ahmad Bawa Faaza, Alhaji Shuaib the poet, Alhaji Ahmad Muhariku, Mallam Mohammad Tarakana among others.
However, in 1958 Sheikh Babal-Waiz moved to his own house at Aboabo [No.1], and he increased the budgetary spending of the annual maulid day by slaughtering caw and delivering food to the prominent people, various chiefs and opinion leaders, both men and women, after Zuhur prayer on the day of maulid. This was his traditional routine until he died in 1982. He had hosted the maulid of the Prophet 37 times[years] in his lifetime and all were at night.
All students dressed in the traditional Muslim attire usually one colour which is white to indicate that something joyful was going on. That was done every year till 1947. Usually after the Maulid celebration, Sheikh Ahmad Baba Alwaiz used to give whatever was realized to the weak, the old and the needy to pray for the prosperity of the nation. It is therefore important to note that Sheikh Ahmad Baba Alwaiz has contributed tremendously to the development of Islam in Ghana and Kumasi in particular.
Israi Wal-Miraj
Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz commemorated Israi Wal-Miraj every year at his residence at the time he was alive. He would gather his students as well as family and friends to read the stories regarding Israi Wal-Miraj, that is the Ascending of the Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be with him and his household, to the seventh Heaven where he brought Salat( The 2nd most vital pillar in Islam). The noble Prophet would be praise, and history of the important event would be told to public at the his residence. This continues by his predecessors up until today.![](
A Collection of Books Authored by Sheikh Ahmed Babal-Waiz
- • Massaratul Qabidul Sugra’{ Glade Tidings to the Holder of the Lower Arms}
- • Massaratul Qabidul Wusta’{ Glade Tidings to the Holder of the Middle Arms} [replete with eulogies by scholars]
- • Massaratul Qabidul Kubra Wa Adilatul Rafi’ul ‘Ulya{ Glade Tidings to the Holder of the Upper Arms}
- • Kitabul Rad Anil Zakatil Namee { A books of Zakat}
- • Kanzul Mufid Lil Murid Sadiq{ Useful Treasure for the Sincere Disciple
- • Resalatul Mansur Fil Radi ‘Ala Risalatil Dasisatil Inkar{ A Reply to the Deniers of Tasawwuf }
- • Al-‘Adbul Batir Ala Nahri Kulu ‘Aneedin[another book on Tasawwuf]
- • Tawdeehul Addilah Liman Yarumu Daleelan Alal Tariqatil Sufiyah[ Clarifying Proves About the Sufi Order]
- • Al-Thamrul Yanih Fil Eaman Liman Tammasaka bihi Fa inau ‘Urwatul Wusqa’{On Faith & Piety}
- • Bushral Muttaqeena Wal-Muhsenain[Gald Tidings to the Pious and Kind}
- • Tanbeehil Sahee anil Salat{Awakening the Neglectful About Prayer}
- • Braa’tul Mukhlis Fi Adaabul Mufeed Wal-Mustafeed{A book on Arabic Grammar}
- • Muqmi’atul lil Munkireen fi Su’al Muhammdul Bashir{A reply to the deniers of Sufi Practices}
- • Zubdatul Fawaedul Jawaer{A Prayer Book}
- • Al-Ajwibatul Wataniya td Talaqi Thalathin{Answers on the issue of Pronoucement of Three Times Divorce}
- • Annaseehatu fi Zajru Halqu Lihya{Advice Against Shaving of Beard}
- • Hunsul Zani Bil Maula{Good Hope About the Lord(A book of Prayera)}
- • Nusratul Zakireen fi Hujajil Ziki Kitaban wa Sunnatan{A book of prayer based on the Qur’an & Sunnah}
- • Al-Qunbulatul Damigatu ‘Ala Ruhusul Munkireen Li AuliyahI Lah Ta’ala{A book reply addressed to the deniers of Tasawwuf}
- • Mishqatul Anwar Li Iqtibasil Anwar{About Tasawwuf}
- • Awnul Zaakir{Some Supplications & Invocations}
- • Tuhfatul Sadiqeen Lil ragibeen fi Fadah{About Divine Redemption}
- • Tasliyatul Wasileen{Ways of Making “Tawasul”}
- • Saiful Haq Ala Nuhurul Wahabiyeen{Another book about the Wahabis}
- • Annajatu birahmatil Rahman{Seeking Prevention from the Mercy of the Merfiful[Allah]}
- • Mignadeesul Quloob fi Sereel Salikeena Ila Hadrati rabil ‘Aalameen{Magnet of the Hearts Towards the Lord of the Worlds}
- • Daleelul Najat fil Sabileel Sabeel{Means od Success of the Path of Peace}
- • Diyau Nibrasil ‘Aarifeen{Light of the Lamp of the People of Divine Knowledge}
- • Burhanul Qudrah wa Qadau{The Proof of Power & Decree}
- • Is’aful Tulab fi Ma’rifati Mu’nas ,Muzakarin fi ilmi Nahwu{Assisting students on the masculine and feminine in Arabic Grammar}
- • Kanzul Talibeen{Treasure of Students}
- • Muniyatul Mubtala fi nailil Shifae wal Istigathati{A book of seeking relief and forgiveness from Allah}
- • *Du’aul Farj Wal-Wusul ilal Murad{A book of prayer}
- • *Sulumul Najat fi Tawassul bi Ashabil Najat{A book Tawassul}
- • Sautul Ansarul Faidatu{AThe Voice of Ansarul Faidah}
- • Thamaratul Faidah{The Fruit of Faidah(Divine Flood)}
- • Al-Taudihu fil Tafseer{A book of Exegesis}
- • Annuniyah[Poetic Prayer]
- • Dafiyatu Fauzu wal Quloob{A book of Tassawuf}
A Collection of Introductions & Eulogies in some of the books of Sheikh Ahmed BabalWaiz from Prominent Intellectuals in Africa [Ghana, Nigeria, Egypt, Senegal and elsewhere]
Eminent Scholars & Prominent Leaders of Tijjaniyah in From Egypt, Senegal, Nigeria and Ghana who wrote Introductions and Eulogies to the various 42 books written by Sheikh Ahmad BabalWaiz, the Spokesperson of Faidah/Tijjaniyah and its Interpreter.Introduction of his Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Anyas on the book “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya” “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm] “Praise be to Allah for all what the book of the intellectual, who possesses so much knowledge about his Lord, Alhaji Ahmad BabalWaiz entails…Allah Almighty says, “Hold fast on what Allah brought to you”. And it is only a fanatic or an ignorant of the Sunnah or the one who has selfish motives who would deny [facts in this book]. And truth needs to be followed. Besides, nothing holds but only what was brought by the messengers [of Allah] And the responsibility of the messenger is only to deliver [the message from Allah].” By Ibrahim Bun Alhaji Abdulahi Niass.
A Eulogy Written by Senior Khalifah Sheikh Alhaji Adam Baba Makaranta “…I reviewed the poem of my brother Alhaji Ahmed BabalWaiz, spokesperson of Faidah and its Interpreter, and have read what gladdened me in regards to praising another expressing appreciation to Allah and the praise of Mohammed. As well as praise to Sheikh Tijjani and his Khalifah, Sheikh Ibrahim Anyas, may Allah be pleased with both of them. It also praised and thanked brothers…So may Allah reward him for the brothers, the deen and the tariqah…” Written by the devoted servant of the eminence of Barhamiyah, Alhaji Adam Baba Makaranta.And some of my brothers, leaders and Khulafah of Maulana Sheikh Alhaji Ibrahim Anyas, may Allah sanctify his life” such as Sheikh Adam Baba Makaranta, Shiekh Haruna Muhammad Altijjani, Sheikh Ahmed Sha’ban and Sheikh Muhammadal Rashid Kuanda, all wrote commendations on it and the secretary and servant {of Sheikh BabalWaiz}, Muhmmad Mustapha Kamil Al-Ameen, {Alkhalifah later}. “…I reviewed the poem of my brother Alhaji Ahmed BabalWaiz, spokesperson of Faidah and its Interpreter, and have read what gladdened me in regards to praising another expressing appreciation to Allah and the praise of the Prophet[saw]. As well as praise to Sheikh Tijjani and his Khalifah, Sheikh Ibrahim Anyas, may Allah be pleased with both of them. It also praised and thanked brothers…So may Allah reward him for the brothers, the deen and the tariqah…” Written by the devoted servant of the eminence of Barhamiyah, Alhaji Adam Baba Makaranta “…I have reviewed “The Fruit of Faidah”[a poem] for our brother AlSheikh Alhaji Ahmad Babal Waiz, the spokesperson of Faidah and its Inter preter and found it a well ripen and closer fruit for the companions Faidah. With what it entails about invocations and remembrance and praise to the Prophet[saw] He wish for cure and expressed gratitude to brothers. And it encourages consistency in aurad and azkar and praise and blessings be upon the Prophet[saw]…May Allah kindly reward the author and increase his ilk among us.” Written by Sheikh Alkhaji Haruna Muhammad Altijani “This is a three line poem that I have composed in happiness for the name given by Sheikh Alhaji Ibeahim Anyas to his great khadim[servant], Alhaji Ahmed BabalWaiz: I saw a poem and I was thrilled by it And the composer is a waliy[friend of Allah] I am happy with this alias of his, and He really deserves this name and compliment May Allah kindly reward the one who gave the alias He really rewarded him with a wonderful reward Written by Alhaji Ahmad Sha’ban This poetry is a eulogy for the “Fruit of Faidah”, which was composed by the spokesperson of Faidah and he is Alhaji Ahmad BabalWaiz may Allah grant him mercy…Ameen. And I said: Here came the sweet fruit of faidah It is a [spiritual] diet for the sound-hearted people And the spokesperson of faidah Alhaji Baba Ahmad and he is a ‘kitchen cook’ [in spiritual sense] ,giving out food And he always soar high above munkireen[deniers] of zikir With guidance and he is brilliant among mankind And in African he is known and even in Ghana a bright light to his fellow brothers awliyah And may Allah reward Alhaji Ahmad Baba And his children with goodness, for they are the lucky ones And unto Mustapha[Muhammad] and his entire household Praise and blessings and compliment from his Lord Written by Mahammadul Rashid Kunda.
Eulogy of Professor Taha Zainy on the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”, [Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm] . “…Alhaji Ahmad BabalWaiz the author of the book on this topic referenced 41 books of hadith and fiqh…It is a great work that deserves great gratitude.”. Written By Taha Zainy, one of the lecturers/professors of Azhar University in Egypt.
Eulogy of Sheikh Alhassan Deem on the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya” [Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm]
“…I have reviewed (Masaratul Qabid), for our brother, the noble and blessed, who possesses divine knowledge of Allah, an active fiqh scholar, and a pious waliyi[friend of Allah],an in-depth researcher, my leader and master Alhaji Ahmad BabalWaiz, a publication which comprises of the aqeedah or doctrine of the Ummah of Muhammad[Muslims] and it was what was agreed as the real path of Islam by the majority of scholars of fiqh….This blessed book encapsulate a broad repertoire of authentic Ahadith of the Prophet[PBUH]….” Written by Alhassan Deem Alfuti in the City of Kaolack
Eulogy of Sheikh Alhaji Abubakar Atiku Ibn Khidir on the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm] “…I have reviewed the message named “Glad tidings to the Folder[of arsm], compiled by our brother and lover in the course of Allah, Alhaji Ahmed BabalWaiz, May Allah open for us and him his doors. He interspersed it with decisive proofs and clear evidence in the Sunnah of folding arms in supererogatory and compulsory prayers. And he has not left a space for anything to be said and there is nothing vilifying in that.…A scholar has virtue over an ignorant person…And the proof that indicates that most of the deniers of “qabdu”, or arm-folding are ignorant…regarding crystal clear ruling on fiqh, without any investigative evidence to their denial, as they do not accept what came from the great collections of authentic books, that were the original sources….” By Sheikh Alhaji Abubakar Atiku Kano
Eulogy of Sheikh Abubakar bun Farooq Al-Fulatiyu Kano in the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm] “…Your message reached me with your gift, “Masarratul Qabid”, so thanks and gratitude be to Allah for this dedicated effort for the benefit of the Muslims and for clarifying their doubt and unearthing what has become a controversy to them. What a dedicated brother and a fiqh scholar who renounces [the material world]. May Allah benefit us with it and the children and grandchildren who will come after them.. Ameen, and stay with peace…” By Sheikh Abubakar bun Farooq Al-Fulatiyu, Kano.
Eulogy of Sheikh Alhaji Alfa Usmanu Ladan, Kumasi Ghana in the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm] “….Alahji Ahmed BabalWaiz sent to me his maiden book which he compiled to awaken and and put across which is called, “Masrratul Qabid”in the early morning of Friday…And I have reviewed it thoroughly for many times and I understood. And I observe that, sticking to what is in this book that comprises of prophetic ahadith, which coincides with the saying of Allah Almighty (We have never sent a Prophet, for him to be obeyed with the order of Allah).”By Sheikh Alhaji Alfa Usmanu Ladan, Kumasi.
Eulogy of Sheikh Alhaji Abdulahi Yandi- Northern Ghana in the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm] “ …I was excited for receiving this your publication( Masratul Qabid), that you sent to us by the command of Sheikh[Ibrahim Anyas] Kaolack and it made me more happier, due to what it entails of innovative meaning and incisive proof. So may Allah reward you, as the Prophet [PBUH] said(What people see as good it is also good in the sight of Allah) hadith…And no one would deny this but an ignorant person, who is so fanatic in his ignorance. May Allah protect us….” By Alhaji Abdulahi Yandi.
Eulogy of the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proves of raising the Upper Arm], Sheikh Alhaji Alhassan Nasiru Deen, Kumasi Ghana, “…I have reviewed the book entitled “Masaratul Qabid”, a publication of our beloved brother an intellectual, Sheikh Ahmed BabalWaiz Al-Tijjjaniyu, and found it replete with proofs and incisive and clear evidences from the prophetic ahadith and authentic narratives, which is not hidden from any one with sound knowledge and bright mind with the light of certainty.” Sheikh Alhaji Alhassan Nasiru Deen, Kumasi.
Eulogy of Sheikh Abdul Wahid Umar, Secondi Takoradi- Ghana in the book, “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding Folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proofs of Raising the Upper Arm”“…I have read your book entitled, (Masaratul Qabid) and found it praise be to Allah a book that has not left a chance for a denier to debunk and the critic a chance…And therefore intended to send you a profound gratitude regarding this good deed and I know that the author did not title his book (Masratul Qabid) except to awaken those who have been given the Book[Al-Qur’an] and to increase the faith of those who[already] have faith. And we ask him the Exalted and Almighty to reward him on his good deed.” By Sheikh Abdul Wahid Umar, Secondi Maulana Sheikh Aliyu Ciessey Ibn Hassan introduction -, “Bushral Mutaqeen Wal-Muhsineen”, “Glad Tidings to the Pious & Kind” , “Shiekh Ahmad BabalWaiz has understood divine reality by virtue of the wonders[of Allah], with which a wise person rises to the lofty height. And whoever observes deeply would notice that it is part and parcel of the divine flood and a divine gift.” By Sheikh Aliyu Cissey Ibn Hassan, Kaolack.
Eulogy of the book, “Tanbeehil Sahee Anil Salat”, "Awakening the Neglecful About Prayer", by the Imam of Jumah in Kumasi, Alhaji Abi Bakar Garba Hakim, Altijjani Ibn Adam. “…I have reviewed, "Awakening the Neglectful of Prayer", with Qur'anic verse and Prophetic wisdom(Ahadith), which was authored by the one who devoted himself to serve the Shuyukh(saintly people) and Ulamah and the 'poorest' seeker of forgiveness from his Lord, the most generous, the most amiable, and the (most competent) healer, "Alhaj Ahmed BabalWaiz" of Wataniya and Tijjaniyah in Kumasi. And I found it, praise be to Allah in the best of order and perfectly beautiful. So may Allah reward us all in the path of Islam and Muslims with goodness and may He(Allah) bestow upon him, by virtue of the willpower of Sheikh Tijjani, may Allah be pleased with him, and grant him absolute health. As He is responsible for that and has power upon it, and may He increase his caliber of people among us. Ameen! And be in peace!” By Imam Abubakar Garba Hakim, Kumasi.
Eulogy of the book, “Saiful Haq Ala Nuhurul Wahabiyeen”, “The Sword of Truth on the Neck of The Wahabis”, written by Shiekh Alhaji Haruna Muhammad Altijjaniyah “…I have reviewed the book of my brother- Abil Fauz-Alhaji Ahmad BabalWaiz, and found it a sword for striking the munkir[denier]...what a great book and a great author!...It befits its name and it deserves to be written with a golden ink, may Allah multiply the caliber of this author " By Sheikh Alhaji Haruna Muhammad Al-Tijjani.
Eulogy of the book, “Tanbeehil Sahee Ani Salat,“Awakening the Neglectful About Prayer”, written by Sheikh Alhaji Dr.Usmanu Nuhu Sharubutu, Ghana National Chief Imam “…I have reviewed the book of the eminent intellectual and a pious waliyi, with a glittering light of divine knowledge, the Khalifah of(Sheikh Ibrahim Nyas), Sheikh Alhaji Ahmad BabalWaiz, May Allah envelop him in his mercy, Ameen. “Awakening the Neglectful of Prayer”, and I found it a book that consist of a very important, priceless and scary advice against those deviants of the rightful path[of Islam] and the principle of faith and it also guides towards establishing/straightening negligence of the rightful religion…And it is as well a guidance to the straight path.” By Sheikh Dr. Usmanu Nuhu Sharubutu, Accra.
Eulogy By Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Maqri, Deputy Federal Chief Imam of Nigeria in the book, “Tanbeehil Sahee Anil Salat”, “Awakening The Neglectful About Prayer”[After translation]. “…However, it was a great idea for this book, “Awakening the Neglectful About Prayer” to be authored by Sheikh Ahmad BabalWaiz, and a noble Imam and prolific author. The revise edition came at a crucial time when many Muslims have neglected learning about their religion, and hence they intermingle vices with the acts of virtues…So if they were to make good their salat[prayer], they would have perfected their[religious]works and thereby cleanse their hearts and characters.
Allah says in the Qur’an: “Verily! prayer present[one] from the vice and other prohibitions” And the book in spite of its smallness in size, and the softness of cover carries tremendous benefits, with a significant title. It comprises of Qur’anic verses and Ahadith of Mohammed. Part of what will guide a naughty to his guidance and awaken a negligent from his slumber. Salat[prayer] is the pillar of the religion[of Islam], and anyone who keenly observes it, establishes and strengthens the[deen] faith of Islam, and it is the pedestal and the platform upon which all acts of morality are based. As it was authenticated from our leader Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah be upon him. Finally, I would advise my fellow Muslim brethren to read this book, reflect and exemplify what is in it. And All praise be to Allah Lo rd of the Worlds.” By Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Maqri, Abuja.
Eulogy for the book, “Husnul Zanni Bil Maula”, “Having Good Hope in Allah”, written by Sheikh Alhaji Abdallah Maikano “Baaba Jallo” “…My leaders who are constantly making zikir (remembrance) of Allah the Almighty, you need to have the book of our uncle the blessed, and great Khalifah[of Sheikh Ibrahim Niass] a highly committed and dedicated person, Alhaji Ahmad BabalWaiz, May Allah sanctify his life…By virtue of what it[the book] entails from Qur’anic prayers and Prophetic supplications. As well as what it contains of “Ilham” or divine knowledge that Allah feeds his close lovers with. May Allah reward the author for benefiting the Muslim Ummah with the best of reward. I therefore praise Allah for his blessing upon him [Sheikh Ahmad BabalWaiz] Your Son/Abdallah AlMaudibajee Al-Misri Al-Azhari. By Sheikh Alhaji Abdallah Maikano, Ashanti Region.
A Word by the Script and Servant of the eminence of Sheikh Babal-Waiz, Ustaz Kamil Ameen Ibn Sad “Masarratul Qabidul Kubra wal Sugra wa Adilatul Rafi’ul Ulya”[Regarding folding the Upper & Lower Arms & Proves of raising the Upper Arm”, "....When we observe and review the great benefits it[this book] entails in the field of preaching and guidance towards the understanding of people of the Sunnah of folding arms in salat...particularly in northern Nigeria, we will affirm that, he (Sheikh Babal-Waiz) deserved every title His Eminence Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass would give him. Because he was the first in Ghana to initiate publishing and distribution of Islamic books both in Ghana and outside Ghana...." By Alkhalifah Ustaz Mustapha Kamil Amin, Kumasi.
“…So Sheikh Babal-Waiz got bed-ridden for over thirty years, and majority of his publications were amazingly produced in that period. There are still more of these literary works yet to be published. His students are scattered in the field of da’awah[propagation of Islam] in the entire African continent. Sheikh used to embark upon so many intellectual [knowledge based] journeys and propagation in most parts of Ghana at his youthful age… Sheikh had acquired knowledge from many scholars in Ghana and outside Ghana, as well as [the titles of the]of books that he read from these prominent scholars - and he believed that returning to the principle of the Qur’an and Sunnah and emulating the conducts of the pious ancient ancestors of the first century of Islam were the solutions to the deviant behaviors of the Muslim youth of today. As he [also] used to advocate against playfulness and following ones heart desires in the name of the tariqah or sufi ideology. He would say: Tariqah is based on Sharia law and whatever violates the Shariah is rejected and left behind. This is the position of the Shuyukh[scholars] and the leadership of the tariqah…” --- Sheikh Mustapha Ibrahim, Chairman of the Islamic Council for Development & Humanitarian Services, one of his senior students. Culled from: “Arabic Literature of Africa (ALA), Volume IV: The Writings of Western Sudanic Africa (Chapter 12: Writers of the Greater Voltaic Region)”, pgs. 612-619. Compiled By: John O. Hunwick, Ousmane kane, Bernard Salvaing, RĂ¼diger Seesemann, Mark Sey and Ivor Wilks Published by: Brill, Leiden, Boston (2003) Babal Waiz, Husseini. "Fulfilled Ambition", New York,
- Babal Waiz, Husseini. "Fulfilled Ambition", New York, 27 October 2015.
- John O. Hunwick, Ousmane kane, Bernard Salvaing, RĂ¼diger Seesemann, Mark Sey and Ivor Wilks Brill, Leiden. “Arabic Literature of Africa (ALA)" , Volume IV: The Writings of Western Sudanic Africa Boston 2003.
- Alwataniya Gh TV (Youtube)